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You May Download The Inventory by clicking the link below this text box. The link will bring you to a zip folder containing the thumbnail images of what's currently available. Each Video Is $10 regardless of the original price or resolution. Most of these Video's were above $20 to begin with and it would be far too time consuming to break them down into different price categories. On top of the fact a lot of them have been deleted by their respective sources due to the strict policies against "Chloroform" or otherwise "Viewer Sensitive content" in former Clip stores and are no longer available anywhere else. So take note of the "File size, Resolution and Duration" of the clip you're interested in as it will be stated on each Thumbnail. This will give you an accurate depiction of the content you're selecting. To begin, Select The Link Labeled "Download Inventory".
Now That You have downloaded The Inventory, You May Select a Maximum of 5 Video's from the List That you Might Be Interested in as This is the most i am willing to process per order at this time. $10 Per Video $50 Limit for Each Order (5 Videos) Once You have Decided, We Can Begin with One Of Two Options. 1) You Can Email Me Here: CelebrityDreamGirls@gmail.com with a message detailing your specific Request and wait to hear back from me for a confirmation and Paypal Invoice for your Order. (This can take up to 24 - 48 hours depending on my availability) And Note: You Can checkout as a Guest if you do not possess a Paypal account. This is Not A concern. 2) You Can Send Your Payment Upfront And Avoid Waiting On An Invoice Or Order Confirmation. You Will Receive A Direct Link To Your Content via Email Within 24 hours. If You Would Prefer option two and Receive your order sooner, Please send the Appropriate amount to the Paypal Link Below. Payment Standards Are As Followed. 1 Video's - $10 2 Video's - $20 3 Video's - $30 4 Video's - $40 5 Video's - $50
You Can Purchase "Video Token's" Priced At $10 Each using the same Built In Checkout System as The Photo Sets Available In The Store. You Would Need To Purchase Multiple Tokens At Checkout to Total The Amount Of Video's You Wanted. 1 Video equals 1 Token and 3 Video's equals 3 Tokens At Checkout etc. Once You have Received the order confirmation to your email you may message me about the Video's you wanted along with the payment order / Confirmation number.